17 letter Words with the Lowest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
2001 nonapplicableness 10,448 abceilnops 10 2,370
2002 perspicaciousness 10,449 aceinoprsu 10 2,369
2003 unpicturesqueness 10,451 ceinpqrstu 10 2,368
2004 haemagglutinating 10,458 aeghilmntu 10 2,367
2005 ichthyobatrachian 10,461 abchinorty 10 2,366
2006 circumstantiating 10,461 acgimnrstu 10 2,365
2007 schoolgirlishness 10,463 ceghilnors 10 2,364
2008 histopathological 10,474 acghilopst 10 2,363
2009 thoroughgoingness 10,476 eghinorstu 10 2,362
2010 multitudinousness 10,481 deilmnostu 10 2,360
2011 antipatriarchally 10,481 achilnprty 10 2,359
2012 overofficiousness 10,481 cefinorsuv 10 2,361
2013 saccharephidrosis 10,484 acdehioprs 10 2,358
2014 uniformitarianism 10,488 afimnorstu 10 2,357
2015 anthropomorphosis 10,489 ahimnoprst 10 2,356
2016 nonapproachabness 10,493 abcehnoprs 10 2,355
2017 discontiguousness 10,494 cdeginostu 10 2,353
2018 tragicoheroicomic 10,494 aceghimort 10 2,354
2019 splenomyelogenous 10,497 eglmnopsuy 10 2,352
2020 transilluminating 10,500 agilmnrstu 10 2,351