6 letter Words with the Lowest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
21361 onagra 3,892 agnor 5 18,950
21362 megara 3,892 aegmr 5 18,967
21363 argema 3,892 aegmr 5 18,962
21364 donors 3,893 dnors 5 18,948
21365 rondos 3,893 dnors 5 18,949
21366 ordure 3,894 deoru 5 18,943
21367 breves 3,894 bersv 5 18,945
21368 gemels 3,894 eglms 5 18,947
21369 dourer 3,894 deoru 5 18,946
21370 akeley 3,894 aekly 5 18,944
21371 reglue 3,895 eglru 5 18,940
21372 closes 3,895 celos 5 18,930
21373 socles 3,895 celos 5 18,939
21374 mamies 3,895 aeims 5 18,938
21375 karela 3,895 aeklr 5 18,937
21376 boasts 3,895 abost 5 18,936
21377 rosoli 3,895 ilors 5 18,941
21378 foists 3,895 fiost 5 18,935
21379 fleche 3,895 cefhl 5 18,932
21380 sabots 3,895 abost 5 18,942