10 letter Words with the Highest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
37941 misaddress 6,356 adeimrs 7 37,938
37942 deciduitis 6,356 cdeistu 7 37,941
37943 miasmatize 6,355 aeimstz 7 37,944
37944 outwitting 6,355 ginotuw 7 37,945
37945 acidifiant 6,355 acdfint 7 37,947
37946 tocologist 6,355 cgilost 7 37,948
37947 engrossing 6,355 eginors 7 37,943
37948 oversilver 6,355 eilorsv 7 37,946
37949 lavatorial 6,354 ailortv 7 37,949
37950 metempiric 6,353 ceimprt 7 37,954
37951 aquarelles 6,353 aelqrsu 7 37,951
37952 phytoptose 6,353 ehopsty 7 37,952
37953 redivorced 6,353 cdeiorv 7 37,953
37954 alcalizate 6,353 aceiltz 7 37,950
37955 carelessly 6,352 acelrsy 7 37,956
37956 suntanning 6,352 aginstu 7 37,955
37957 cunctation 6,351 acinotu 7 37,957
37958 affidation 6,351 adfinot 7 37,959
37959 innovating 6,351 aginotv 7 37,958
37960 vithayasai 6,350 ahistvy 7 37,961