11 letter Words with the Highest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
20621 greenbottle 8,241 beglnort 8 20,620
20622 theretoward 8,241 adehortw 8 20,618
20623 endangeitis 8,241 adeginst 8 20,623
20624 rattlesnake 8,240 aeklnrst 8 20,626
20625 overimitate 8,240 aeimortv 8 20,625
20626 anterograde 8,240 adegnort 8 20,624
20627 synesthesia 8,239 aehinsty 8 20,628
20628 centennials 8,239 aceilnst 8 20,627
20629 noninertial 8,239 aeilnort 8 20,630
20630 stripteased 8,239 adeiprst 8 20,629
20631 intercessor 8,239 ceinorst 8 20,631
20632 preintimate 8,238 aeimnprt 8 20,635
20633 ketogenesis 8,238 egiknost 8 20,632
20634 pennatisect 8,238 aceinpst 8 20,634
20635 whitethroat 8,238 aehiortw 8 20,636
20636 decantation 8,238 acdeinot 8 20,633
20637 carvestrene 8,237 acenrstv 8 20,638
20638 intercalare 8,237 aceilnrt 8 20,639
20639 enchantress 8,237 acehnrst 8 20,637
20640 theologeion 8,237 eghilnot 8 20,640