11 letter Words with the Highest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
20821 horsehaired 8,163 adehiors 8 20,819
20822 euthanatize 8,161 aehintuz 8 20,824
20823 entosternum 8,161 emnorstu 8 20,823
20824 heteralocha 8,161 acehlort 8 20,822
20825 therewithal 8,160 aehilrtw 8 20,825
20826 wretchedest 8,160 cdehrstw 8 20,827
20827 whitleather 8,160 aehilrtw 8 20,826
20828 elicitation 8,159 aceilnot 8 20,829
20829 reemigrated 8,159 adegimrt 8 20,828
20830 reallotment 8,158 aelmnort 8 20,831
20831 perendinant 8,158 adeinprt 8 20,830
20832 overwetness 8,157 enorstvw 8 20,833
20833 recremental 8,157 acelmnrt 8 20,832
20834 enterostomy 8,157 emnorsty 8 20,834
20835 trilinolate 8,157 aeilnort 8 20,835
20836 rectilinear 8,156 aceilnrt 8 20,836
20837 revirescent 8,156 ceinrstv 8 20,837
20838 haemostasia 8,156 aehimost 8 20,838
20839 abalienated 8,155 abdeilnt 8 20,839
20840 unenterable 8,155 abelnrtu 8 20,841