11 letter Words with the Highest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
21001 parosteitis 8,104 aeioprst 8 20,999
21002 somesthetic 8,103 cehimost 8 21,002
21003 rechanneled 8,103 acdehlnr 8 21,004
21004 nephritises 8,103 ehinprst 8 21,003
21005 featureless 8,102 aeflrstu 8 21,006
21006 enhemospore 8,102 ehmnoprs 8 21,005
21007 unresistant 8,101 aeinrstu 8 21,008
21008 deracinated 8,101 acdeinrt 8 21,007
21009 metaethical 8,101 acehilmt 8 21,009
21010 eventognath 8,100 aeghnotv 8 21,011
21011 antithesism 8,100 aehimnst 8 21,012
21012 lithotresis 8,100 ehilorst 8 21,010
21013 entrapments 8,099 aemnprst 8 21,014
21014 nonattached 8,099 acdehnot 8 21,015
21015 anoperineal 8,099 aeilnopr 8 21,013
21016 latisternal 8,098 aeilnrst 8 21,017
21017 thresherman 8,098 aehmnrst 8 21,016
21018 pentaiodide 8,097 adeinopt 8 21,019
21019 animosities 8,097 aeimnost 8 21,018
21020 inoperation 8,096 aeinoprt 8 21,020