11 letter Words with the Highest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
21201 enforcement 8,038 cefmnort 8 21,198
21202 unpresented 8,038 denprstu 8 21,200
21203 reinfection 8,037 cefinort 8 21,203
21204 freethinker 8,037 efhiknrt 8 21,206
21205 outbreather 8,037 abehortu 8 21,204
21206 overroasted 8,037 adeorstv 8 21,205
21207 urethrocele 8,037 cehlortu 8 21,207
21208 bracteolate 8,036 abcelort 8 21,210
21209 volitionate 8,036 aeilnotv 8 21,208
21210 replenisher 8,036 ehilnprs 8 21,209
21211 resedaceous 8,035 acdeorsu 8 21,211
21212 nonsancties 8,035 aceinost 8 21,213
21213 nonelicited 8,035 cdeilnot 8 21,212
21214 mottledness 8,034 delmnost 8 21,214
21215 contendress 8,033 cdenorst 8 21,215
21216 heterograft 8,033 aefghort 8 21,217
21217 allegrettos 8,033 aeglorst 8 21,216
21218 remittently 8,032 eilmnrty 8 21,218
21219 tenderising 8,031 deginrst 8 21,219
21220 federalness 8,031 adeflnrs 8 21,221