11 letter Words with the Highest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
21301 antiseptize 8,010 aeinpstz 8 21,303
21302 tetramethyl 8,010 aehlmrty 8 21,301
21303 boutonniere 8,010 beinortu 8 21,304
21304 annihilated 8,010 adehilnt 8 21,302
21305 monopetalae 8,010 aelmnopt 8 21,305
21306 leewardness 8,010 adelnrsw 8 21,300
21307 anathematic 8,008 acehimnt 8 21,307
21308 expatriates 8,008 aeiprstx 8 21,309
21309 constituent 8,008 ceinostu 8 21,308
21310 beneception 8,007 bceinopt 8 21,311
21311 unfederated 8,007 adefnrtu 8 21,310
21312 cattishness 8,007 acehinst 8 21,312
21313 untasteable 8,006 abelnstu 8 21,315
21314 retaliating 8,006 aegilnrt 8 21,313
21315 unstateable 8,006 abelnstu 8 21,314
21316 northernize 8,006 ehinortz 8 21,316
21317 televisions 8,004 eilnostv 8 21,319
21318 latticewise 8,004 aceilstw 8 21,317
21319 coresidence 8,004 cdeinors 8 21,318
21320 reallocates 8,003 acelorst 8 21,321