11 letter Words with the Highest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
24361 unsustained 7,309 adeinstu 8 24,361
24362 cheapskates 7,308 acehkpst 8 24,365
24363 revitalizer 7,308 aeilrtvz 8 24,367
24364 oversecured 7,308 cdeorsuv 8 24,366
24365 unsomnolent 7,308 elmnostu 8 24,362
24366 caterwauler 7,308 acelrtuw 8 24,364
24367 abbreviates 7,308 abeirstv 8 24,363
24368 monovoltine 7,307 eilmnotv 8 24,370
24369 onomasticon 7,307 acimnost 8 24,371
24370 vincristine 7,307 ceinrstv 8 24,368
24371 hypothetize 7,307 ehioptyz 8 24,369
24372 perforators 7,306 aefoprst 8 24,372
24373 discoveries 7,306 cdeiorsv 8 24,374
24374 precensured 7,306 cdenprsu 8 24,373
24375 selectivity 7,305 ceilstvy 8 24,376
24376 teenybopper 7,305 benoprty 8 24,378
24377 exhaustless 7,305 aehlstux 8 24,375
24378 infernalize 7,305 aefilnrz 8 24,381
24379 prealliance 7,305 aceilnpr 8 24,379
24380 strathspeys 7,305 aehprsty 8 24,377