11 letter Words with the Highest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
28741 unspiriting 6,396 ginprstu 8 28,745
28742 fissiparity 6,396 afiprsty 8 28,741
28743 undecylenic 6,396 cdeilnuy 8 28,744
28744 lecanomancy 6,396 acelmnoy 8 28,743
28745 flagellosis 6,396 aefgilos 8 28,742
28746 cinchonized 6,395 cdehinoz 8 28,746
28747 misogynists 6,394 gimnosty 8 28,750
28748 supputation 6,394 ainopstu 8 28,749
28749 closelipped 6,394 cdeilops 8 28,752
28750 unconvolute 6,394 celnotuv 8 28,747
28751 periuranium 6,394 aeimnpru 8 28,753
28752 ochlocratic 6,394 achilort 8 28,751
28753 writability 6,394 abilrtwy 8 28,748
28754 nonracially 6,393 acilnory 8 28,757
28755 idiotically 6,393 acdiloty 8 28,756
28756 procolonial 6,393 acilnopr 8 28,754
28757 colocephali 6,393 acehilop 8 28,755
28758 indumentums 6,391 deimnstu 8 28,762
28759 chickenhood 6,391 cdehikno 8 28,760
28760 gullishness 6,391 eghilnsu 8 28,761