11 letter Words with the Highest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
29301 curiomaniac 6,242 acimnoru 8 29,302
29302 frankfurter 6,242 aefknrtu 8 29,303
29303 consequency 6,242 cenoqsuy 8 29,301
29304 beaugregory 6,242 abegoruy 8 29,299
29305 insidiously 6,241 dilnosuy 8 29,307
29306 succinimide 6,241 cdeimnsu 8 29,305
29307 anapophysis 6,241 ahinopsy 8 29,306
29308 epomophorus 6,241 ehmoprsu 8 29,308
29309 hydrobiosis 6,240 bdhiorsy 8 29,310
29310 aesculapius 6,240 aceilpsu 8 29,311
29311 meromorphic 6,240 cehimopr 8 29,309
29312 photographs 6,239 aghoprst 8 29,313
29313 adenomyxoma 6,239 ademnoxy 8 29,312
29314 rhinoscopic 6,239 chinoprs 8 29,314
29315 unallegedly 6,239 adeglnuy 8 29,315
29316 submersible 6,238 beilmrsu 8 29,316
29317 marshalship 6,238 ahilmprs 8 29,317
29318 levoglucose 6,237 ceglosuv 8 29,322
29319 quinquesect 6,237 ceinqstu 8 29,319
29320 anglicanism 6,237 acgilmns 8 29,320