11 letter Words with the Highest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
29521 asperggilla 6,171 aegilprs 8 29,522
29522 unboundless 6,171 bdelnosu 8 29,523
29523 diplocardia 6,171 acdilopr 8 29,520
29524 diluvialist 6,170 adilstuv 8 29,524
29525 parochialic 6,170 achilopr 8 29,526
29526 ungrammared 6,170 adegmnru 8 29,525
29527 affirmatory 6,169 afimorty 8 29,529
29528 recorporify 6,169 cefiopry 8 29,527
29529 unoffending 6,169 defginou 8 29,528
29530 mainsprings 6,168 agimnprs 8 29,532
29531 omniformity 6,168 fimnorty 8 29,533
29532 byssogenous 6,168 begnosuy 8 29,530
29533 overbravely 6,168 abelorvy 8 29,534
29534 papayaceous 6,168 aceopsuy 8 29,535
29535 bloodybones 6,168 bdelnosy 8 29,531
29536 pistolproof 6,167 filoprst 8 29,536
29537 airgraphics 6,166 acghiprs 8 29,537
29538 lyngbyaceae 6,166 abceglny 8 29,540
29539 sodiohydric 6,166 cdhiorsy 8 29,538
29540 typhlophile 6,166 ehilopty 8 29,539