11 letter Words with the Highest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
13581 feminophobe 6,780 befhimnop 9 13,578
13582 autodialing 6,780 adgilnotu 9 13,580
13583 gratifiable 6,780 abefgilrt 9 13,582
13584 opiliaceous 6,779 aceilopsu 9 13,586
13585 placodontia 6,779 acdilnopt 9 13,584
13586 unconstrued 6,779 cdenorstu 9 13,591
13587 conceptible 6,779 bceilnopt 9 13,587
13588 preabundant 6,779 abdenprtu 9 13,585
13589 formication 6,779 acfimnort 9 13,588
13590 homogametic 6,779 aceghimot 9 13,589
13591 unkindliest 6,779 deiklnstu 9 13,592
13592 kenningwort 6,779 egiknortw 9 13,590
13593 allotropize 6,778 aeiloprtz 9 13,594
13594 anilidoxime 6,778 adeilmnox 9 13,595
13595 complements 6,778 celmnopst 9 13,597
13596 socializers 6,778 aceilorsz 9 13,598
13597 academising 6,778 acdegimns 9 13,593
13598 premaniacal 6,778 aceilmnpr 9 13,596
13599 echinopanax 6,777 acehinopx 9 13,605
13600 anthypnotic 6,777 achinopty 9 13,601