11 letter Words with the Highest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
15381 smallholder 6,491 adehlmors 9 15,380
15382 antiliturgy 6,491 agilnrtuy 9 15,383
15383 technically 6,491 acehilnty 9 15,381
15384 implication 6,490 acilmnopt 9 15,384
15385 dionysiacal 6,489 acdilnosy 9 15,388
15386 unrecording 6,489 cdeginoru 9 15,389
15387 nonmaskable 6,489 abeklmnos 9 15,385
15388 clarencieux 6,489 aceilnrux 9 15,387
15389 painfulness 6,489 aefilnpsu 9 15,386
15390 capitalized 6,488 acdeilptz 9 15,391
15391 uninsurable 6,488 abeilnrsu 9 15,390
15392 gladioluses 6,488 adegilosu 9 15,393
15393 stipulating 6,488 agilnpstu 9 15,395
15394 forfoughten 6,488 efghnortu 9 15,392
15395 staphylosis 6,488 ahilopsty 9 15,394
15396 leucoindigo 6,487 cdegilnou 9 15,401
15397 prefriendly 6,487 defilnpry 9 15,402
15398 purulencies 6,487 ceilnprsu 9 15,403
15399 subaduncate 6,487 abcdenstu 9 15,396
15400 calefactory 6,487 aceflorty 9 15,399