11 letter Words with the Highest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
16701 disapprover 6,252 adeioprsv 9 16,702
16702 purposelike 6,252 eikloprsu 9 16,705
16703 poroplastic 6,252 aciloprst 9 16,704
16704 thyroprivia 6,252 ahioprtvy 9 16,703
16705 complexness 6,252 celmnopsx 9 16,701
16706 equerryship 6,251 ehipqrsuy 9 16,708
16707 parableptic 6,251 abceilprt 9 16,709
16708 pneumectomy 6,251 cemnoptuy 9 16,706
16709 embouchures 6,251 bcehmorsu 9 16,707
16710 amphitropal 6,250 ahilmoprt 9 16,713
16711 leucocytoid 6,250 cdeilotuy 9 16,712
16712 mesoscapula 6,250 acelmopsu 9 16,710
16713 schoolcraft 6,250 acfhlorst 9 16,715
16714 bashfulness 6,250 abefhlnsu 9 16,714
16715 polyvalence 6,250 acelnopvy 9 16,711
16716 macromyelon 6,249 acelmnory 9 16,716
16717 cranioclasm 6,249 acilmnors 9 16,717
16718 crankshafts 6,249 acfhknrst 9 16,718
16719 philomathic 6,248 achilmopt 9 16,719
16720 micromyelia 6,248 aceilmory 9 16,722