11 letter Words with the Highest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
16801 unprolonged 6,233 deglnopru 9 16,797
16802 untrappable 6,232 abelnprtu 9 16,803
16803 chalcioecus 6,232 acehilosu 9 16,805
16804 debatefully 6,232 abdefltuy 9 16,804
16805 supplicates 6,232 aceilpstu 9 16,802
16806 evilwishing 6,231 eghilnsvw 9 16,809
16807 precompiled 6,231 cdeilmopr 9 16,808
16808 subaerially 6,231 abeilrsuy 9 16,810
16809 necrophobic 6,231 bcehinopr 9 16,806
16810 foresignify 6,231 efginorsy 9 16,807
16811 fulmicotton 6,230 cfilmnotu 9 16,811
16812 communitive 6,229 ceimnotuv 9 16,813
16813 morbiferous 6,229 befimorsu 9 16,812
16814 polyhalogen 6,229 aeghlnopy 9 16,815
16815 wishfulness 6,229 efhilnsuw 9 16,817
16816 discomforts 6,229 cdfimorst 9 16,814
16817 urodialysis 6,229 adilorsuy 9 16,816
16818 hypophamine 6,228 aehimnopy 9 16,818
16819 svarabhakti 6,228 abhikrstv 9 16,819
16820 coboundless 6,227 bcdelnosu 9 16,825