11 letter Words with the Highest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
16881 pruniferous 6,216 efinoprsu 9 16,882
16882 unadulatory 6,216 adlnortuy 9 16,884
16883 unlaudatory 6,216 adlnortuy 9 16,885
16884 embowelling 6,216 begilmnow 9 16,886
16885 ambagiosity 6,216 abgimosty 9 16,883
16886 mimographer 6,216 aeghimopr 9 16,881
16887 spancelling 6,215 acegilnps 9 16,891
16888 arviculture 6,215 aceilrtuv 9 16,890
16889 poultryless 6,215 eloprstuy 9 16,888
16890 unmicaceous 6,215 aceimnosu 9 16,889
16891 polyoecious 6,215 ceilopsuy 9 16,887
16892 alogotrophy 6,214 aghloprty 9 16,893
16893 uneulogized 6,214 degilnouz 9 16,895
16894 plenilunary 6,214 aeilnpruy 9 16,894
16895 subinfluent 6,214 befilnstu 9 16,892
16896 monarchical 6,213 achilmnor 9 16,896
16897 unblackened 6,213 abcdeklnu 9 16,899
16898 pathfinding 6,213 adfghinpt 9 16,898
16899 overwhipped 6,213 dehioprvw 9 16,897
16900 harpsichord 6,212 acdhioprs 9 16,901