11 letter Words with the Highest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
16961 causewayman 6,201 acemnsuwy 9 16,961
16962 snowmanship 6,201 ahimnopsw 9 16,960
16963 somatically 6,200 acilmosty 9 16,965
16964 unclassible 6,200 abceilnsu 9 16,963
16965 mechanizing 6,200 aceghimnz 9 16,964
16966 handsprings 6,200 adghinprs 9 16,966
16967 colonizable 6,199 abceilnoz 9 16,968
16968 coryphodont 6,199 cdhnoprty 9 16,969
16969 singability 6,199 abgilnsty 9 16,967
16970 robusticity 6,199 bciorstuy 9 16,970
16971 unrivalable 6,198 abeilnruv 9 16,972
16972 dolphinlike 6,198 dehiklnop 9 16,973
16973 monophylety 6,198 ehlmnopty 9 16,971
16974 crashworthy 6,197 achorstwy 9 16,975
16975 laborsomely 6,197 abelmorsy 9 16,977
16976 consumption 6,197 cimnopstu 9 16,974
16977 poecilogony 6,197 cegilnopy 9 16,976
16978 dramatizing 6,196 adgimnrtz 9 16,979
16979 sexological 6,196 acegilosx 9 16,981
16980 unrejoicing 6,196 cegijnoru 9 16,980