11 letter Words with the Highest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
19741 outbluffing 4,890 bfgilnotu 9 19,741
19742 calcifugous 4,888 acfgilosu 9 19,742
19743 juridically 4,884 acdijlruy 9 19,743
19744 forgivingly 4,883 fgilnorvy 9 19,744
19745 fructuously 4,882 cflorstuy 9 19,745
19746 subapically 4,880 abcilpsuy 9 19,746
19747 undubiously 4,876 bdilnosuy 9 19,747
19748 oxyrhynchus 4,875 chnorsuxy 9 19,748
19749 psychagogic 4,872 acghiopsy 9 19,749
19750 robustfully 4,870 bflorstuy 9 19,750
19751 myoglobulin 4,870 bgilmnouy 9 19,751
19752 nonculpably 4,867 abclnopuy 9 19,752
19753 unrebukably 4,863 abeklnruy 9 19,753
19754 unpublicity 4,854 bcilnptuy 9 19,754
19755 gymnocidium 4,852 cdgimnouy 9 19,755
19756 milksopping 4,848 giklmnops 9 19,756
19757 crapulously 4,846 acloprsuy 9 19,757
19758 impopularly 4,833 ailmopruy 9 19,758
19759 burkundauze 4,832 abdeknruz 9 19,759
19760 columbarium 4,829 abcilmoru 9 19,760