12 letter Words with the Highest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
4421 prehostility 7,865 ehiloprsty 10 4,424
4422 hemerocallis 7,865 acehilmors 10 4,422
4423 commanderies 7,865 acdeimnors 10 4,426
4424 hemodialyses 7,865 adehilmosy 10 4,423
4425 streptolysin 7,865 eilnoprsty 10 4,420
4426 expressional 7,865 aeilnoprsx 10 4,421
4427 interlacedly 7,864 acdeilnrty 10 4,428
4428 behaviorists 7,864 abehiorstv 10 4,427
4429 biometrician 7,863 abceimnort 10 4,430
4430 presocialist 7,863 aceiloprst 10 4,431
4431 retroclusion 7,863 ceilnorstu 10 4,432
4432 overstrewing 7,863 eginorstvw 10 4,429
4433 southernwood 7,862 dehnorstuw 10 4,433
4434 dislodgement 7,862 degilmnost 10 4,434
4435 kataphoretic 7,861 acehikoprt 10 4,437
4436 multistoried 7,861 deilmorstu 10 4,438
4437 nonequitable 7,861 abeilnoqtu 10 4,439
4438 raphaelitism 7,861 aehilmprst 10 4,436
4439 edaphosauria 7,861 adehioprsu 10 4,435
4440 merchandised 7,860 acdehimnrs 10 4,440