12 letter Words with the Highest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
9341 unrepublican 6,313 abceilnpru 10 9,341
9342 cryptanalyze 6,313 acelnprtyz 10 9,342
9343 nonduplicity 6,312 cdilnoptuy 10 9,344
9344 unmutualized 6,312 adeilmntuz 10 9,345
9345 fructiparous 6,312 acfioprstu 10 9,343
9346 papuliferous 6,311 aefiloprsu 10 9,346
9347 municipalize 6,309 aceilmnpuz 10 9,347
9348 demobilizing 6,308 bdegilmnoz 10 9,348
9349 propagandism 6,308 adgimnoprs 10 9,351
9350 flagitiously 6,308 afgilostuy 10 9,349
9351 cherubimical 6,308 abcehilmru 10 9,350
9352 unpurifiable 6,308 abefilnpru 10 9,352
9353 kremlinology 6,306 egiklmnory 10 9,353
9354 pyroguaiacin 6,306 acginopruy 10 9,354
9355 inoppugnable 6,305 abegilnopu 10 9,355
9356 hypertypical 6,304 acehilprty 10 9,356
9357 unexclaiming 6,304 acegilmnux 10 9,357
9358 operculiform 6,303 cefilmopru 10 9,359
9359 uncommutable 6,303 abcelmnotu 10 9,358
9360 undismayedly 6,301 adeilmnsuy 10 9,362