12 letter Words with the Highest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
9561 albumenizing 6,172 abegilmnuz 10 9,561
9562 unrefusingly 6,171 efgilnrsuy 10 9,562
9563 campylodrome 6,168 acdelmopry 10 9,563
9564 chartophylax 6,167 achloprtxy 10 9,564
9565 unthrivingly 6,167 ghilnrtuvy 10 9,565
9566 procedurally 6,166 acdelopruy 10 9,567
9567 proverbially 6,166 abeiloprvy 10 9,568
9568 apocalyptism 6,166 acilmopsty 10 9,566
9569 pushwainling 6,164 aghilnpsuw 10 9,569
9570 polypigerous 6,163 egiloprsuy 10 9,570
9571 puristically 6,162 acilprstuy 10 9,571
9572 unspitefully 6,161 efilnpstuy 10 9,572
9573 chloridizing 6,161 cdghilnorz 10 9,573
9574 precommuning 6,159 cegimnopru 10 9,575
9575 contiguously 6,159 cgilnostuy 10 9,574
9576 superlocally 6,158 aceloprsuy 10 9,576
9577 nonmusically 6,156 acilmnosuy 10 9,577
9578 phragmoconic 6,156 acghimnopr 10 9,578
9579 unpopularize 6,155 aeilnopruz 10 9,579
9580 microspacing 6,155 acgimnoprs 10 9,580