12 letter Words with the Highest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
11921 synentognath 8,321 aeghnosty 9 11,921
11922 protonematal 8,320 aelmnoprt 9 11,925
11923 recapitulate 8,320 aceilprtu 9 11,926
11924 belligerents 8,320 begilnrst 9 11,923
11925 antidemoniac 8,320 acdeimnot 9 11,922
11926 prematernity 8,320 aeimnprty 9 11,924
11927 mesorrhinian 8,319 aehimnors 9 11,929
11928 chansonniers 8,319 acehinors 9 11,930
11929 recalibrates 8,319 abceilrst 9 11,927
11930 extravertish 8,319 aehirstvx 9 11,928
11931 gentlemanize 8,318 aegilmntz 9 11,931
11932 infrasternal 8,317 aefilnrst 9 11,934
11933 ferrocyanate 8,317 acefnorty 9 11,933
11934 entoplastral 8,317 aelnoprst 9 11,932
11935 meditrinalia 8,317 adeilmnrt 9 11,936
11936 catastrophes 8,317 acehoprst 9 11,935
11937 peritracheal 8,316 acehilprt 9 11,938
11938 cytodieresis 8,316 cdeiorsty 9 11,940
11939 oversensible 8,316 beilnorsv 9 11,937
11940 petticoatism 8,316 aceimopst 9 11,939