12 letter Words with the Highest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
13861 blepharedema 7,846 abdehlmpr 9 13,859
13862 oscurrantist 7,845 acinorstu 9 13,862
13863 artocarpeous 7,845 aceoprstu 9 13,865
13864 dermopterous 7,845 demoprstu 9 13,864
13865 tortulaceous 7,845 acelorstu 9 13,863
13866 billionaires 7,845 abeilnors 9 13,866
13867 ungiftedness 7,844 defginstu 9 13,867
13868 preannounced 7,844 acdenopru 9 13,869
13869 unintimately 7,844 aeilmntuy 9 13,868
13870 somatochrome 7,843 acehmorst 9 13,871
13871 stupidheaded 7,843 adehipstu 9 13,874
13872 strainlessly 7,843 aeilnrsty 9 13,873
13873 troublesshot 7,843 behlorstu 9 13,875
13874 spiritualise 7,843 aeilprstu 9 13,872
13875 homocerebrin 7,843 bcehimnor 9 13,879
13876 mesatiskelic 7,843 aceiklmst 9 13,877
13877 counterargue 7,843 acegnortu 9 13,878
13878 intoxicators 7,843 acinorstx 9 13,876
13879 postillioned 7,843 deilnopst 9 13,870
13880 uncostliness 7,842 ceilnostu 9 13,880