12 letter Words with the Highest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
14341 opiniastrous 7,743 ainoprstu 9 14,344
14342 plebeianized 7,743 abdeilnpz 9 14,347
14343 prelegendary 7,743 adeglnpry 9 14,348
14344 phototactism 7,743 achimopst 9 14,346
14345 siphonostoma 7,743 ahimnopst 9 14,341
14346 hyperrealize 7,743 aehilpryz 9 14,342
14347 aegagropiles 7,743 aegiloprs 9 14,345
14348 impierceable 7,743 abceilmpr 9 14,343
14349 unneutrality 7,742 aeilnrtuy 9 14,350
14350 overlushness 7,742 ehlnorsuv 9 14,354
14351 conidiophore 7,742 cdehinopr 9 14,351
14352 urethrostomy 7,742 ehmorstuy 9 14,349
14353 overfeminize 7,742 efimnorvz 9 14,353
14354 damaskeening 7,742 adegikmns 9 14,352
14355 constraining 7,741 acginorst 9 14,356
14356 unaccoutered 7,741 acdenortu 9 14,358
14357 triplication 7,741 acilnoprt 9 14,357
14358 mainpernable 7,741 abeilmnpr 9 14,355
14359 unmalevolent 7,740 aelmnotuv 9 14,359
14360 unreplevined 7,740 deilnpruv 9 14,360