12 letter Words with the Highest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
16381 nonmartially 7,293 ailmnorty 9 16,381
16382 esothyropexy 7,293 ehoprstxy 9 16,382
16383 perfectivity 7,293 cefiprtvy 9 16,378
16384 pelomedusoid 7,292 deilmopsu 9 16,384
16385 irregularity 7,292 aegilrtuy 9 16,386
16386 monsignorial 7,292 agilmnors 9 16,387
16387 apollonistic 7,292 acilnopst 9 16,385
16388 imperialized 7,291 adeilmprz 9 16,389
16389 rostrocaudal 7,291 acdlorstu 9 16,388
16390 astrolabical 7,291 abcilorst 9 16,390
16391 subpeltately 7,290 abelpstuy 9 16,396
16392 mycetomatous 7,290 acemostuy 9 16,393
16393 pyritization 7,290 ainoprtyz 9 16,391
16394 ethnozoology 7,290 eghlnotyz 9 16,395
16395 ossificatory 7,290 acfiorsty 9 16,394
16396 railroadship 7,290 adhiloprs 9 16,392
16397 deappetizing 7,289 adeginptz 9 16,401
16398 cognoscitive 7,289 ceginostv 9 16,400
16399 underhangman 7,289 adeghmnru 9 16,397
16400 chemiotropic 7,289 cehimoprt 9 16,399