12 letter Words with the Highest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
16461 marsupialise 7,275 aeilmprsu 9 16,460
16462 unexpendable 7,274 abdelnpux 9 16,464
16463 squelchiness 7,274 cehilnqsu 9 16,462
16464 tezcatlipoca 7,274 aceiloptz 9 16,463
16465 sociomedical 7,273 acdeilmos 9 16,465
16466 exobiologist 7,273 begilostx 9 16,468
16467 undeclinable 7,273 abcdeilnu 9 16,466
16468 handmaidenly 7,273 adehilmny 9 16,469
16469 macropodidae 7,273 acdeimopr 9 16,467
16470 aoristically 7,272 acilorsty 9 16,470
16471 decolourizer 7,271 cdeiloruz 9 16,471
16472 palification 7,271 acfilnopt 9 16,475
16473 pontificalia 7,271 acfilnopt 9 16,477
16474 nonnavigable 7,271 abegilnov 9 16,474
16475 unacidulated 7,271 acdeilntu 9 16,472
16476 nondivisible 7,271 bdeilnosv 9 16,473
16477 phonologists 7,271 ghilnopst 9 16,476
16478 archdeaconry 7,270 acdehnory 9 16,480
16479 acromelalgia 7,270 acegilmor 9 16,479
16480 commorancies 7,270 aceimnors 9 16,481