12 letter Words with the Highest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
17881 pleurodirous 6,889 deiloprsu 9 17,879
17882 knightlihood 6,889 dghiklnot 9 17,878
17883 lasiocarpous 6,888 aciloprsu 9 17,885
17884 studdingsail 6,888 adgilnstu 9 17,886
17885 axonophorous 6,888 ahnoprsux 9 17,883
17886 ceraunomancy 6,888 acemnoruy 9 17,884
17887 salicylamide 6,887 acdeilmsy 9 17,891
17888 polythalamia 6,887 ahilmopty 9 17,890
17889 sarcolemmous 6,887 acelmorsu 9 17,892
17890 impressively 6,887 eilmprsvy 9 17,888
17891 cellulomonas 6,887 acelmnosu 9 17,887
17892 permissively 6,887 eilmprsvy 9 17,889
17893 appressorium 6,886 aeimoprsu 9 17,893
17894 azoformamide 6,886 adefimorz 9 17,894
17895 ecotipically 6,885 aceilopty 9 17,897
17896 vocationally 6,885 acilnotvy 9 17,896
17897 concertstuck 6,885 ceknorstu 9 17,895
17898 partizanship 6,884 ahinprstz 9 17,898
17899 leptospermum 6,884 elmoprstu 9 17,900
17900 naturalizing 6,884 agilnrtuz 9 17,901