12 letter Words with the Highest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
18281 ochlophobist 6,757 bchilopst 9 18,281
18282 cartographic 6,756 acghioprt 9 18,286
18283 purplishness 6,756 ehilnprsu 9 18,282
18284 iconophilism 6,756 chilmnops 9 18,284
18285 siliquaceous 6,756 aceiloqsu 9 18,283
18286 subinferring 6,756 befginrsu 9 18,285
18287 verbiculture 6,754 bceilrtuv 9 18,288
18288 filibranchia 6,754 abcfhilnr 9 18,287
18289 griffinesque 6,753 efginqrsu 9 18,292
18290 anacrogynous 6,753 acgnorsuy 9 18,289
18291 presurmising 6,753 egimnprsu 9 18,291
18292 mobocratical 6,753 abcilmort 9 18,290
18293 bacchanalize 6,752 abcehilnz 9 18,295
18294 dialkylamine 6,752 adeiklmny 9 18,293
18295 vaudevillist 6,752 adeilstuv 9 18,294
18296 pamphletical 6,751 acehilmpt 9 18,300
18297 idiomorphous 6,751 dhimoprsu 9 18,299
18298 apiculturist 6,751 acilprstu 9 18,296
18299 oophoridiums 6,751 dhimoprsu 9 18,298
18300 syllabicness 6,751 abceilnsy 9 18,301