12 letter Words with the Highest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
18401 idiosyncrasy 6,720 acdinorsy 9 18,401
18402 intramurally 6,720 ailmnrtuy 9 18,400
18403 polyadelphia 6,720 adehilopy 9 18,404
18404 plurimammate 6,720 aeilmprtu 9 18,403
18405 sluggardness 6,719 adeglnrsu 9 18,406
18406 ghibellinism 6,719 beghilmns 9 18,405
18407 unballasting 6,719 abgilnstu 9 18,407
18408 insalubrious 6,718 abilnorsu 9 18,410
18409 epigraphical 6,718 aceghilpr 9 18,409
18410 manipulating 6,718 agilmnptu 9 18,408
18411 gardenmaking 6,717 adegikmnr 9 18,411
18412 unfeudalized 6,717 adefilnuz 9 18,413
18413 supercilious 6,717 ceiloprsu 9 18,412
18414 simoniacally 6,716 acilmnosy 9 18,414
18415 unrepugnable 6,716 abeglnpru 9 18,415
18416 chronographs 6,715 acghnoprs 9 18,418
18417 calcographer 6,715 aceghlopr 9 18,417
18418 suggestively 6,715 egilstuvy 9 18,416
18419 suppurations 6,714 ainoprstu 9 18,422
18420 conciliabule 6,714 abceilnou 9 18,419