12 letter Words with the Highest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
18701 archetypally 6,601 acehlprty 9 18,697
18702 unscenically 6,600 aceilnsuy 9 18,703
18703 unironically 6,600 acilnoruy 9 18,702
18704 amphiplatyan 6,598 ahilmnpty 9 18,704
18705 proclamatory 6,597 aclmoprty 9 18,706
18706 chickenberry 6,597 bcehiknry 9 18,705
18707 sibilatingly 6,597 abgilnsty 9 18,707
18708 xiphiplastra 6,597 ahilprstx 9 18,708
18709 pornological 6,596 acgilnopr 9 18,712
18710 incunabulist 6,596 abcilnstu 9 18,711
18711 macropleural 6,596 acelmopru 9 18,713
18712 continuingly 6,596 cgilnotuy 9 18,710
18713 chthonophagy 6,596 acghnopty 9 18,709
18714 overprolific 6,596 cefiloprv 9 18,714
18715 lepospondyli 6,595 deilnopsy 9 18,715
18716 ichthyophagi 6,595 acghiopty 9 18,717
18717 halomorphism 6,595 ahilmoprs 9 18,716
18718 pseudoplasma 6,593 adelmopsu 9 18,721
18719 bioflavonoid 6,593 abdfilnov 9 18,720
18720 anglophiliac 6,593 acghilnop 9 18,719