13 letter Words with the Highest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
1161 unforestalled 8,565 adeflnorstu 11 1,163
1162 surexcitation 8,565 aceinorstux 11 1,162
1163 overtechnical 8,565 acehilnortv 11 1,161
1164 functionaries 8,563 acefinorstu 11 1,165
1165 paratoluidine 8,563 adeilnoprtu 11 1,164
1166 uteromaniacal 8,562 aceilmnortu 11 1,166
1167 erysipelatous 8,562 aeiloprstuy 11 1,167
1168 anisometropic 8,561 aceimnoprst 11 1,168
1169 subelementary 8,560 abelmnrstuy 11 1,169
1170 parasynthetic 8,558 acehinprsty 11 1,170
1171 personalistic 8,558 aceilnoprst 11 1,171
1172 pictorialness 8,558 aceilnoprst 11 1,172
1173 prestimulated 8,558 adeilmprstu 11 1,173
1174 rachiglossate 8,557 aceghilorst 11 1,174
1175 supertaxation 8,557 aeinoprstux 11 1,175
1176 pleurotomidae 8,556 adeilmoprtu 11 1,176
1177 disinvigorate 8,556 adeginorstv 11 1,177
1178 domesticating 8,554 acdegimnost 11 1,178
1179 pantometrical 8,554 aceilmnoprt 11 1,179
1180 unwainscotted 8,551 acdeinostuw 11 1,180