13 letter Words with the Highest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
12481 photoelectric 8,807 cehiloprt 9 12,481
12482 dermoneurosis 8,807 deimnorsu 9 12,483
12483 transmountain 8,807 aimnorstu 9 12,482
12484 literalminded 8,806 adeilmnrt 9 12,486
12485 thecosomatous 8,806 acehmostu 9 12,484
12486 isoasparagine 8,806 aeginoprs 9 12,485
12487 leishmaniosis 8,805 aehilmnos 9 12,487
12488 sporochnaceae 8,805 acehnoprs 9 12,488
12489 superolateral 8,804 aeloprstu 9 12,490
12490 despecificate 8,804 acdefipst 9 12,489
12491 accidentalist 8,803 acdeilnst 9 12,492
12492 antidogmatist 8,803 adgimnost 9 12,493
12493 watchlessness 8,803 acehlnstw 9 12,491
12494 nontheosophic 8,802 cehinopst 9 12,496
12495 terephthallic 8,802 acehilprt 9 12,498
12496 unrepentantly 8,802 aelnprtuy 9 12,499
12497 nonactualness 8,802 acelnostu 9 12,495
12498 systematician 8,802 aceimnsty 9 12,494
12499 sulfoselenide 8,802 defilnosu 9 12,497
12500 unlimitedness 8,801 deilmnstu 9 12,500