13 letter Words with the Highest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
13161 inochondritis 8,554 cdhinorst 9 13,163
13162 unaffectation 8,554 acefinotu 9 13,161
13163 caterpillared 8,554 acdeilprt 9 13,162
13164 antisceptical 8,553 aceilnpst 9 13,164
13165 exgorgitation 8,552 aeginortx 9 13,165
13166 intergranular 8,552 aegilnrtu 9 13,166
13167 chlorobenzene 8,551 bcehlnorz 9 13,172
13168 instrumenting 8,551 egimnrstu 9 13,168
13169 overimpressed 8,551 deimoprsv 9 13,171
13170 lissencephala 8,551 acehilnps 9 13,169
13171 indeflectible 8,551 bcdefilnt 9 13,167
13172 unalleviation 8,551 aeilnotuv 9 13,170
13173 epithetically 8,550 acehilpty 9 13,173
13174 systematising 8,550 aegimnsty 9 13,175
13175 intratelluric 8,550 aceilnrtu 9 13,174
13176 antiliturgist 8,549 agilnrstu 9 13,176
13177 chrematistics 8,549 acehimrst 9 13,177
13178 partimembered 8,548 abdeimprt 9 13,180
13179 variabilities 8,548 abeilrstv 9 13,181
13180 architricline 8,548 acehilnrt 9 13,178