7 letter Words with the Highest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
20301 rappite 4,621 aeiprt 6 20,296
20302 corance 4,621 acenor 6 20,291
20303 drissel 4,621 deilrs 6 20,293
20304 harpers 4,620 aehprs 6 20,310
20305 inhabit 4,620 abhint 6 20,312
20306 gezerah 4,620 aeghrz 6 20,306
20307 sharper 4,620 aehprs 6 20,309
20308 helicin 4,620 cehiln 6 20,311
20309 drafted 4,620 adefrt 6 20,305
20310 unhewed 4,620 dehnuw 6 20,308
20311 unaware 4,620 aenruw 6 20,307
20312 phraser 4,620 aehprs 6 20,304
20313 litoral 4,619 ailort 6 20,313
20314 costars 4,619 acorst 6 20,318
20315 throwst 4,619 horstw 6 20,321
20316 trowths 4,619 horstw 6 20,322
20317 matinal 4,619 ailmnt 6 20,319
20318 fortran 4,619 afnort 6 20,314
20319 callets 4,619 acelst 6 20,315
20320 castors 4,619 acorst 6 20,316