9 letter Words with the Highest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
34801 impresari 5,751 aeimprs 7 34,807
34802 drollness 5,751 delnors 7 34,809
34803 inkwriter 5,751 eiknrtw 7 34,799
34804 primaries 5,751 aeimprs 7 34,802
34805 collation 5,751 acilnot 7 34,797
34806 unanimist 5,751 aimnstu 7 34,801
34807 stantibus 5,751 abinstu 7 34,798
34808 dalliance 5,751 acdeiln 7 34,808
34809 foreguess 5,751 efgorsu 7 34,805
34810 abdicated 5,751 abcdeit 7 34,803
34811 wreakless 5,750 aeklrsw 7 34,814
34812 latitancy 5,750 acilnty 7 34,817
34813 bauxitite 5,750 abeitux 7 34,823
34814 pondweeds 5,750 denopsw 7 34,812
34815 piousness 5,750 einopsu 7 34,811
34816 ignitible 5,750 begilnt 7 34,820
34817 advocated 5,750 acdeotv 7 34,821
34818 waveshape 5,750 aehpsvw 7 34,813
34819 underhand 5,750 adehnru 7 34,816
34820 arizonans 5,750 ainorsz 7 34,822