9 letter Words with the Highest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
34901 imperiled 5,741 deilmpr 7 34,902
34902 declaimed 5,741 acdeilm 7 34,903
34903 epitoxoid 5,741 deioptx 7 34,904
34904 reimplied 5,741 deilmpr 7 34,900
34905 lasarwort 5,741 alorstw 7 34,899
34906 lowerable 5,740 abelorw 7 34,908
34907 iotacisms 5,740 acimost 7 34,906
34908 bonnering 5,740 beginor 7 34,911
34909 hawsepipe 5,740 aehipsw 7 34,915
34910 myotomies 5,740 eimosty 7 34,909
34911 loyalness 5,740 aelnosy 7 34,907
34912 pastorals 5,740 aloprst 7 34,918
34913 volitions 5,740 ilnostv 7 34,916
34914 cryostats 5,740 acorsty 7 34,913
34915 gramashes 5,740 aeghmrs 7 34,914
34916 stumpiest 5,740 eimpstu 7 34,910
34917 connexure 5,740 cenorux 7 34,912
34918 mosaicist 5,740 acimost 7 34,917
34919 handfasts 5,739 adfhnst 7 34,928
34920 pyorrhoea 5,739 aehopry 7 34,923