9 letter Words with the Highest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
35701 hardshell 5,656 adehlrs 7 35,705
35702 unarrayed 5,656 adenruy 7 35,703
35703 unvariant 5,656 ainrtuv 7 35,700
35704 escapable 5,656 abcelps 7 35,701
35705 beadledom 5,656 abdelmo 7 35,699
35706 woodhouse 5,655 dehosuw 7 35,708
35707 dendraxon 5,655 adenorx 7 35,706
35708 memorable 5,655 abelmor 7 35,710
35709 astracism 5,655 acimrst 7 35,709
35710 dictamina 5,655 acdimnt 7 35,707
35711 passional 5,654 ailnops 7 35,717
35712 sponsalia 5,654 ailnops 7 35,714
35713 reaffixes 5,654 aefirsx 7 35,713
35714 badgeless 5,654 abdegls 7 35,716
35715 unvenomed 5,654 demnouv 7 35,711
35716 acetabula 5,654 abceltu 7 35,715
35717 wessexman 5,654 aemnswx 7 35,712
35718 rizzonite 5,653 einortz 7 35,720
35719 ozostomia 5,653 aimostz 7 35,719
35720 mushiness 5,653 ehimnsu 7 35,718