9 letter Words with the Highest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
35781 idiomatic 5,647 acdimot 7 35,781
35782 posturist 5,647 ioprstu 7 35,785
35783 homilists 5,647 hilmost 7 35,780
35784 ceruleous 5,647 celorsu 7 35,782
35785 beeswings 5,647 beginsw 7 35,787
35786 colpostat 5,647 aclopst 7 35,783
35787 islandish 5,647 adhilns 7 35,779
35788 razorless 5,647 aelorsz 7 35,786
35789 rigwoodie 5,646 degiorw 7 35,796
35790 milliners 5,646 eilmnrs 7 35,793
35791 ricciales 5,646 aceilrs 7 35,795
35792 peptizers 5,646 eiprstz 7 35,791
35793 selfhoods 5,646 defhlos 7 35,797
35794 raddleman 5,646 adelmnr 7 35,794
35795 dreamland 5,646 adelmnr 7 35,799
35796 vicennial 5,646 aceilnv 7 35,798
35797 pantoglot 5,646 aglnopt 7 35,790
35798 newfangle 5,646 aefglnw 7 35,789
35799 ladderman 5,646 adelmnr 7 35,792
35800 siliceous 5,645 ceilosu 7 35,813