9 letter Words with the Highest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
36081 exundance 5,614 acdenux 7 36,087
36082 comforter 5,614 cefmort 7 36,085
36083 hardwired 5,614 adehirw 7 36,083
36084 isologues 5,614 egilosu 7 36,088
36085 unsmutted 5,614 demnstu 7 36,084
36086 bethought 5,614 beghotu 7 36,082
36087 epidermic 5,614 cdeimpr 7 36,086
36088 recomfort 5,614 cefmort 7 36,080
36089 whalelike 5,613 aehiklw 7 36,090
36090 repelling 5,613 egilnpr 7 36,091
36091 barricade 5,613 abcdeir 7 36,089
36092 enplaning 5,613 aegilnp 7 36,092
36093 palliator 5,613 ailoprt 7 36,094
36094 epitaphic 5,613 acehipt 7 36,093
36095 siglarian 5,612 agilnrs 7 36,097
36096 servilize 5,612 eilrsvz 7 36,096
36097 forestaff 5,612 aeforst 7 36,095
36098 silverize 5,612 eilrsvz 7 36,098
36099 oversmoke 5,611 ekmorsv 7 36,107
36100 overheavy 5,611 aehorvy 7 36,106