9 letter Words with the Highest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
36641 persicize 5,556 ceiprsz 7 36,634
36642 bellowers 5,556 belorsw 7 36,637
36643 nongilded 5,556 degilno 7 36,633
36644 crustless 5,555 celrstu 7 36,650
36645 primaried 5,555 adeimpr 7 36,654
36646 pantalgia 5,555 agilnpt 7 36,652
36647 peptogeny 5,555 egnopty 7 36,653
36648 collators 5,555 aclorst 7 36,648
36649 colostral 5,555 aclorst 7 36,649
36650 langrages 5,555 aeglnrs 7 36,655
36651 formfeeds 5,555 defmors 7 36,647
36652 expensing 5,555 eginpsx 7 36,645
36653 extremuma 5,555 aemrtux 7 36,646
36654 ungesting 5,555 eginstu 7 36,644
36655 oarswoman 5,555 amnorsw 7 36,651
36656 ismatical 5,554 acilmst 7 36,656
36657 armorican 5,554 acimnor 7 36,661
36658 barbadoes 5,554 abdeors 7 36,662
36659 baseboard 5,554 abdeors 7 36,663
36660 gimmerpet 5,554 egimprt 7 36,664