9 letter Words with the Highest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
36761 revelling 5,542 egilnrv 7 36,770
36762 sicyonian 5,542 acinosy 7 36,765
36763 cordigeri 5,542 cdegior 7 36,772
36764 vergerism 5,542 egimrsv 7 36,764
36765 coulisses 5,542 ceilosu 7 36,773
36766 azedarach 5,542 acdehrz 7 36,763
36767 isocyanin 5,542 acinosy 7 36,760
36768 colleague 5,542 aceglou 7 36,771
36769 syntaxist 5,542 ainstxy 7 36,766
36770 discarded 5,542 acdeirs 7 36,761
36771 ancipital 5,542 acilnpt 7 36,762
36772 snuffiest 5,542 efinstu 7 36,767
36773 pleospora 5,542 aeloprs 7 36,768
36774 outbustle 5,541 belostu 7 36,776
36775 enlarging 5,541 aegilnr 7 36,779
36776 outsubtle 5,541 belostu 7 36,777
36777 forsakers 5,541 aefkors 7 36,782
36778 bloodline 5,541 bdeilno 7 36,778
36779 bushiness 5,541 behinsu 7 36,774
36780 squarrose 5,541 aeoqrsu 7 36,781