9 letter Words with the Highest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
37001 patriarch 5,514 achiprt 7 37,000
37002 tabularia 5,514 abilrtu 7 37,007
37003 proamnion 5,514 aimnopr 7 37,003
37004 cockneian 5,514 aceikno 7 37,009
37005 saintlily 5,514 ailnsty 7 37,005
37006 falderals 5,514 adeflrs 7 37,008
37007 hindsight 5,514 dghinst 7 37,004
37008 preinjure 5,514 eijnpru 7 37,002
37009 stressful 5,514 eflrstu 7 37,006
37010 fructuate 5,513 acefrtu 7 37,013
37011 protomala 5,513 almoprt 7 37,017
37012 specifist 5,513 cefipst 7 37,011
37013 lophodont 5,513 dhlnopt 7 37,012
37014 camellias 5,513 aceilms 7 37,010
37015 disbanded 5,513 abdeins 7 37,018
37016 homobront 5,513 bhmnort 7 37,016
37017 haemogram 5,513 aeghmor 7 37,015
37018 gerbilles 5,513 begilrs 7 37,014
37019 didelphia 5,512 adehilp 7 37,019
37020 heroology 5,512 eghlory 7 37,022