9 letter Words with the Highest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
37121 silkweeds 5,499 deiklsw 7 37,121
37122 systaltic 5,499 acilsty 7 37,122
37123 parcelled 5,499 acdelpr 7 37,125
37124 unduteous 5,499 denostu 7 37,126
37125 eaglehawk 5,499 aeghklw 7 37,120
37126 pressings 5,499 eginprs 7 37,123
37127 clamberer 5,499 abcelmr 7 37,127
37128 aggrieved 5,498 adegirv 7 37,140
37129 directrix 5,498 cdeirtx 7 37,135
37130 mephitism 5,498 ehimpst 7 37,133
37131 discorded 5,498 cdeiors 7 37,137
37132 filleting 5,498 efgilnt 7 37,134
37133 creditrix 5,498 cdeirtx 7 37,130
37134 disabuses 5,498 abdeisu 7 37,136
37135 unigenous 5,498 eginosu 7 37,139
37136 catnapped 5,498 acdenpt 7 37,129
37137 ingenuous 5,498 eginosu 7 37,131
37138 meclizine 5,498 ceilmnz 7 37,132
37139 boskiness 5,498 beiknos 7 37,128
37140 trochozoa 5,498 achortz 7 37,138