9 letter Words with the Highest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
37321 byroniana 5,475 abinory 7 37,328
37322 celibatic 5,475 abceilt 7 37,324
37323 exscissor 5,475 ceiorsx 7 37,323
37324 nonjurant 5,475 ajnortu 7 37,319
37325 autotoxic 5,475 aciotux 7 37,327
37326 paralyses 5,475 aelprsy 7 37,320
37327 predefray 5,475 adefpry 7 37,326
37328 inquirant 5,475 ainqrtu 7 37,322
37329 dollhouse 5,474 dehlosu 7 37,334
37330 antikings 5,474 agiknst 7 37,330
37331 disgraded 5,474 adegirs 7 37,333
37332 diadermic 5,474 acdeimr 7 37,331
37333 caecotomy 5,474 acemoty 7 37,337
37334 gagwriter 5,474 aegirtw 7 37,336
37335 amyclaean 5,474 acelmny 7 37,329
37336 dicranoid 5,474 acdinor 7 37,332
37337 overroyal 5,474 aelorvy 7 37,335
37338 viridians 5,473 adinrsv 7 37,349
37339 bouldered 5,473 bdeloru 7 37,338
37340 subsphere 5,473 behprsu 7 37,347