9 letter Words with the Highest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
9121 bracelets 6,174 abcelrst 8 9,123
9122 habitance 6,174 abcehint 8 9,122
9123 antipedal 6,174 adeilnpt 8 9,113
9124 chieftain 6,174 acefhint 8 9,125
9125 liberator 6,174 abeilort 8 9,117
9126 infirmate 6,174 aefimnrt 8 9,115
9127 imprecate 6,173 aceimprt 8 9,135
9128 trilogies 6,173 egilorst 8 9,129
9129 fringelet 6,173 efgilnrt 8 9,134
9130 ruralites 6,173 aeilrstu 8 9,136
9131 fingerlet 6,173 efgilnrt 8 9,133
9132 unwearied 6,173 adeinruw 8 9,138
9133 unriveted 6,173 deinrtuv 8 9,130
9134 telfering 6,173 efgilnrt 8 9,128
9135 pedantize 6,173 adeinptz 8 9,127
9136 anchoveta 6,173 acehnotv 8 9,132
9137 sortilegi 6,173 egilorst 8 9,137
9138 miseating 6,173 aegimnst 8 9,131
9139 nepotious 6,172 einopstu 8 9,145
9140 historial 6,172 ahilorst 8 9,149