9 letter Words with the Highest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
12261 overplies 5,824 eiloprsv 8 12,255
12262 miniatous 5,824 aimnostu 8 12,261
12263 poriferan 5,824 aefinopr 8 12,263
12264 northings 5,824 ghinorst 8 12,254
12265 clathrina 5,823 achilnrt 8 12,271
12266 covetable 5,823 abcelotv 8 12,272
12267 bimotored 5,823 bdeimort 8 12,267
12268 preoutfit 5,823 efioprtu 8 12,265
12269 roundhead 5,823 adehnoru 8 12,274
12270 halobiont 5,823 abhilnot 8 12,270
12271 alchitran 5,823 achilnrt 8 12,266
12272 gasconade 5,823 acdegnos 8 12,269
12273 unhoarded 5,823 adehnoru 8 12,273
12274 unsphered 5,823 dehnprsu 8 12,268
12275 berchemia 5,822 abcehimr 8 12,285
12276 premedial 5,822 adeilmpr 8 12,281
12277 impleader 5,822 adeilmpr 8 12,288
12278 unamative 5,822 aeimntuv 8 12,291
12279 urgencies 5,822 ceginrsu 8 12,278
12280 antefurca 5,822 acefnrtu 8 12,284