10 letter Words with the Lowest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
8361 impinguate 6,015 aegimnptu 9 8,730
8362 felsophyre 6,015 efhloprsy 9 8,727
8363 expansible 6,016 abeilnpsx 9 8,720
8364 plunderage 6,016 adeglnpru 9 8,722
8365 bewearying 6,016 abeginrwy 9 8,725
8366 acquisited 6,016 acdeiqstu 9 8,723
8367 expounders 6,016 denoprsux 9 8,721
8368 ancipitous 6,016 acinopstu 9 8,724
8369 gothicizer 6,017 ceghiortz 9 8,719
8370 advisatory 6,017 adiorstvy 9 8,716
8371 pleurodira 6,017 adeilopru 9 8,715
8372 copyfitter 6,017 cefioprty 9 8,718
8373 semiuncial 6,017 aceilmnsu 9 8,717
8374 hypotralia 6,018 ahiloprty 9 8,711
8375 planchment 6,018 acehlmnpt 9 8,713
8376 underbasal 6,018 abdelnrsu 9 8,710
8377 pseudatoll 6,018 adelopstu 9 8,714
8378 technology 6,018 ceghlnoty 9 8,712
8379 mycosterol 6,019 celmorsty 9 8,704
8380 velutinous 6,019 eilnostuv 9 8,709