10 letter Words with the Lowest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
8601 zootherapy 6,054 aehoprtyz 9 8,485
8602 agricolist 6,054 acgilorst 9 8,486
8603 algoristic 6,054 acgilorst 9 8,488
8604 inocystoma 6,055 acimnosty 9 8,479
8605 empowering 6,055 egimnoprw 9 8,483
8606 viscontial 6,055 acilnostv 9 8,481
8607 actomyosin 6,055 acimnosty 9 8,482
8608 furthering 6,055 efghinrtu 9 8,484
8609 cornishman 6,055 achimnors 9 8,480
8610 quartering 6,056 aeginqrtu 9 8,473
8611 doublegear 6,056 abdegloru 9 8,475
8612 deformable 6,056 abdeflmor 9 8,474
8613 prevoyance 6,056 acenoprvy 9 8,472
8614 aprilesque 6,056 aeilpqrsu 9 8,476
8615 knightless 6,056 eghiklnst 9 8,477
8616 luminarist 6,056 ailmnrstu 9 8,478
8617 piniferous 6,057 efinoprsu 9 8,470
8618 parrotfish 6,057 afhioprst 9 8,464
8619 unscotched 6,057 cdehnostu 9 8,466
8620 scaphitoid 6,057 acdhiopst 9 8,469