10 letter Words with the Lowest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
8681 vermiceous 6,064 ceimorsuv 9 8,410
8682 maskinonge 6,064 aegikmnos 9 8,407
8683 storymaker 6,065 aekmorsty 9 8,401
8684 unswearing 6,065 aeginrsuw 9 8,403
8685 cultivated 6,065 acdeiltuv 9 8,405
8686 actinogram 6,065 acgimnort 9 8,399
8687 morganatic 6,065 acgimnort 9 8,402
8688 venturings 6,065 eginrstuv 9 8,404
8689 hepatizing 6,065 aeghinptz 9 8,398
8690 scrutinize 6,065 ceinrstuz 9 8,400
8691 cyanoderma 6,066 acdemnory 9 8,391
8692 eucaryotic 6,066 aceiortuy 9 8,389
8693 neurospasm 6,066 aemnoprsu 9 8,393
8694 hyperaemic 6,066 acehimpry 9 8,390
8695 printmaker 6,066 aeikmnprt 9 8,396
8696 palicourea 6,066 aceilopru 9 8,394
8697 dipneumona 6,066 adeimnopu 9 8,392
8698 pennyworth 6,066 ehnoprtwy 9 8,395
8699 prismatize 6,066 aeimprstz 9 8,397
8700 tomahawked 6,067 adehkmotw 9 8,385